
Temperate Region - Take advantage of sun’s warming effect in the winter. Shade your home form the hot summer sun. Deflect winter winds with windbreaks on the north and northwest sides of your house.

Hot Arid Region - Provide shade to cool your home’s walls windows and roof. Naturally cool your home with summer winds. Cool the air around home with plants.

Hot Humid Region - Channel summer breezes toward your home and cool it. Use trees to shade your home in the summer but allow the sun to warm it in the winter. Avoid locating planting beds that require frequent watering close to your home.

Cool Region - Use dense windbreaks to protect the home from cold winter winds. Ensure the winter sun reaches south-facing windows. Shade the south and west sides of your home from the summer sun, if summer heat is a problem.

Vist: for more ideas and tips on how to lower your energy bills.